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1998: Day 3
Tuesday, July 28
Ahhh...this place is pure aviation.
I awoke at 6:00 am this morning, well-rested and
the sound of a Rolls-Royce Merlin, as a P-51 flew overhead. Where else in the world can
you experience this?
I wandered the half-mile over to the showers, and while there
were no lines, it was definitely more crowded than yesterday. The water was distinctly
lukewarm. After our breakfast (oatmeal again), we headed off to the stores at the end of
the camping area (Wal-Mart and Piggly Wiggly, a grocery store) for some supplies
(sunblock) and food. Taking us there was a school bus provided by the EAA and sponsored by
Nestle - a 25 cent donation would get you a ride anywhere in the very large camping area.
Once our shopping was
complete, we once again headed out to the flight line, starting with the
"Warbird" (military aircraft) area. There were now eight P-51's parked there.
The P-51 is my father's favorite airplane of all time, so we spent a great deal of time
looking at them. I got speaking to one of the crew chiefs, of the "Gunfighter"
Mustang, and he allowed me up into the cockpit. I marveled at the small space afforded the
pilot. While today's airplanes exude ergonomic planning, the Mustang cockpit is small, not
very comfortable, and all business. I was also made quite aware as to the reason why the
not-so-tall pilots were selected for fighter training, while taller pilots were sent to
bomber & transport training. Having the opportunity to sit in this airplane is one of
the great benefits of showing up early to Oshkosh - the general public would never be
allowed to do this during the actual convention.
Off to one side of the warbird area
was a large C-82 transport aircraft. This is the last flying C-82 in the world. This
aircraft was featured in the film "Flight of the Phoenix", starring Jimmy
Stewart, where a C-82 transport crashes in the desert, and the survivors use the remaining
parts to build a new airplane and fly out of the desert. This particular C-82 had a crude
turbojet engine on its roof, visible in this picture. This engine was added to the the
C-82 late in its production life, and was used to provide extra thrust for takeoff (JATO,
or Jet Assisted Takeoff).
A Lockheed C-141 Starlifter arrived, so we had a look
at the immense cargo hold, and talked to the friendly crew. This particular Starlifter was
the first aircraft into Hanoi at the beginning of the airlift to get Americans out of
Vietnam, and as such, has "Hanoi Taxi" painted on the side of it. Just then, we
were startled by the sudden, extremely loud appearance of a pair of F-104 Starfighters
overhead, running in full afterburner. The 104's landed, using every inch of the available
There were row upon row of warbirds, especially AT-6's, which
we decided to tour through later. Instead, we ventured into the homebuilt area, which is
really what EAA is all about. There were row upon row of Quickies, Long-EZ's, Cozy's, and
other canard airplanes, as well as many Lancairs and Glasairs.
One of the most amazing aircraft that we saw was the CarterCopter. This modified
gyrocopter was probably the most innovative thing I saw during the entire visit to
Oshkosh. Designed from scratch by a former NASA aeronautical engineer, it is a vertical
takeoff and landing vehicle with a pressurized cockpit holding five occupants, projected
cruise speed of over 500 mph, and ceiling of 35,000 feet. This
revolutionary aircraft uses a non-powered autorotating composite rotor to provide lift
during takeoff and landing, as well as during the transition to forward flight, and a
composite wing to provide lift during cruise. During the cruise portions of flight, the
rotor is unloaded, and remains stable due to hundreds of pounds of depleted uranium in the
rotor tips. The pusher prop is a hollow composite with a single carbon fiber I-beam spar,
which is flexible to torsional stress, allowing the prop pitch to be controlled without
any moving parts. The CarterCopter is scheduled to begin its first test flights shortly
after Oshkosh, and if it works, will revolutionize general aviation. The only flaw in the
design that I could discern is the tail booms - if the aircraft comes in with any forward
speed at all, when the pilot pulls back on the cyclic control to slow it down, it will
tilt back and the booms will contact the ground before the landing gear. I was told by one
of the people at the booth that they are aware of this problem and are working on it.
Someone ran past us in a panic, and we asked what was going on.
They said that apparently there was a P-51 that was having gear problems, and they were
going to try to land. It turned out to be "Old Crow," the Mustang belonging to
former astronaut Bud Anderson. We went out to the runway, and sure enough, in came a P-51 with the right
main gear retracted. It was accompanied by another P-51 flying chase. It came down and
bounced on the one extended wheel, trying to jostle the stuck gear down into place. When
this didn't work, the pilot yawed the aircraft to get as much of the wing into the wind as
possible, creating drag and slowing it, and at the same time cut the engine. The Mustang
slowly came down on its right wingtip, and immediately started to groundloop to the right.
It went off the side of the runway, eventually turning a full 270 degrees to the right,
coming to rest pointing towards us. The pilot did a tremendous job getting it down - if it
had nosed over and flipped, there was a good chance it would have killed her. As it was,
the damage was restricted to the right flap, right wingtip, belly scoop, a dent in the
right leading edge, and the propeller. The propeller tips were all bent back, indicating
that it was still turning at the time of impact, so it's fairly likely that the engine
will have to be torn down and rebuilt as well. My father was very upset - he said, "of
all the airplanes this could have happened to, it had to be the P-51. It just makes me
feel sick to see that happen to that airplane." That said, it could have been a lot
worse - the airplane is repairable, and nobody was hurt.
After all of this excitement, we decided to go watch a
different kind of excitement - the arrival of the general aviation aircraft. During the
convention, Oshkosh becomes the busiest airport in the world. We sat near our campsite, at the
edge of runway 9/27, and watched them come in, while listening on the radio to the
excellent controllers efficiently moving traffic safely in and out of the airport. On
runway 27 alone, airplanes were landing every ten to fifteen seconds, on three different
parts of the runway simultaneously, and at one point I counted over fifteen airplanes on
final for the same runway at the same time! The controllers were just unbelievable in
their efficiency and professionalism, and there is a lot to be said for the pilots, who
were landing in very gusty conditions.
Some damage that did result from the gusty weather was to our
tent - one of the fly retainers was ripped from the fabric, and one of the fiberglass
poles had broken. We got out the tools, and managed to sew the fly retainer back on (using
a pair of pliers and some stainless steel aircraft lockwire as thread), and mend the
fiberglass pole (with ubiquitous duct tape aka 100-mile-an-hour tape).
Dinner came, and having realized that we came equipped with
canned food but no can opener, we attempted to find one at Wal-Mart. Apparently we
were not the only visitors with this problem, as Wal-Mart was sold out of can openers. We
bought a small tool that could be used to puncture tins with small holes, and with some
work, we used this to open our cans. As we were eating our dinner, a P-51 took off, then
came back and did a full-throttle low pass directly overhead. My father remarked, "That
alone was worth the trip here."
This page copyright � 1998