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The Web Site

You may wish to browse through some of these links while you are here:


  • Hollsco Group Software - Peruse our software offerings, and download our applications for free:
         VBIndent  Format Visual Basic source code to high readability standards
    TreeMenu  Automatic generation of the web menuing system as used on this web site
    DNSCheck  DNS server monitoring and recovery utility
    SatCalc  Satellite Angle Calculator
  • DynamIP - Give your PC a name on the internet - your PC could be known as on the Internet! Run your own web or mail server, or play online games easily across the Internet!
  • PilotMailings - Generate instant, highly targeted aviation-related mailing lists, online! Save thousands in direct marketing costs!

Just For Fun

  • Stupid Web Games Online Archive! All those funny programs that people send around via email, archived in one place!
  • Email your favorite jokes to your friends online, directly from the NeroSoft Humor Archives! Over 2,000 Internet Jokes online! Categorized and searchable online.